Wednesday 12 December 2012


Based on the observation and the data analysis that I had done, the foreigner will prefer to have their breakfast with a coffee at the Starbucks KLCC. Besides that,   the data showed that the period from 1130am until 1230pm is the peak period for the Starbucks to selling their product. At the overall of the observation, the foreigner taken the most highest number of people to purchase the product, following by Malay, Chinese and Indian. 

From the data analysis on gender, the female is having more expenses than the male, and female is more higher number of customer compare to male. 

For the last, the customer who purchase with take away is more than the having here. The data is showing from the observation after the data analysis.  Although they customer prefer drink coffee with relax, but since the limited and pack seat that are provided inside the KLCC, so that most of customer from the observation will prefer purchase with take away rather than having here. 

As the conclusion, Starbucks is more prefer by the foreigner and the female. Besides that, the environment of the Starbucks at KLCC still have the space to improve themselves. 

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